9 August 2011


A Landslide is running down the mountain. At the feet, the inhabitants of the village are standing gob smacked like a teenager's dad reading her phone bill. They're astonished. Something never seen before is happening. They can't believe their eyes. Neither can I. Is my mind playing a trick? 
It's getting closer, I cannot afford to wait and see if it is a illusion or not. 
I start shouting at my parents "Mum, dad, move away, here!" but they don't move. They stay at the feet of the brown mountain fixing the rocks rolling toward them. I look around me, trying to think, we need to get out of here. I turn around and can see my little sister's blond hair being blown away (1) I hurry toward her, grab her hand and push her away from the main slide. Stones are falling around us. We move as fast as we can to avoid them. I notice a more stable area on the right and decide to run toward it.  I protect her as much as I can but we both feel our heart sink as we see all the faces. Their pale grey skin, the fixed expression, the lifeless body., it is as we are running on a chest board. Every time the rocks touch somebody, they turn to stone. We hide behind some to avoid more rocks. The rumbling is horrific, but, so far, we're safe. 

We're at my parents. I'm sitting on my bed. My ex-colleague N and my sister A are buzzing around me. We've been out last night and they're trying to convince me into going out again. I'm not feeling like going out again. I can feel the soft mattress under me and it is not helping. I actually think it's calling my name, or maybe some invisible ropes are tying me down to it. 
They do manage to convince me to get change. I stand up and open my wardrobe. But there are no miracles inside, only horrible old clothes & thousands of underwear. I turn around, tell them I'm broke and sit back on my bed.

(1) I do not have a little sister, certainly not a blond one...

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