23 June 2011

Saving my little mouse

I am in the flat. My family's buzzing around. My niece and I are looking at my white mouse, bored in her cage. "I need to buy a wheel" I say, "Indeed" the teenager agrees. The cage is always open. There is no danger in the flat and I prefer not having the mouse all locked up. As always, the neighbour's cat is trying to come in. My sister just booed away the cat but when she turns around, it enters the flat. My sister goes after her but the cat's running around too fast and makes her look like a giant Roly-poly toy

Before I have time to close the mouse's cage, the cat grabs it and jumps on the curtain, climbing towards the top. The mouse is hanging down, her tail in the cat's mouth, not a comfortable position.
I jump but I can't reach the top! My mum brings a chair and I quickly climb onto it to snatch the mouse from its mouth. The little animal is in distress, I caress her for comfort. Then I decide to give her some cheese. Surely that would cheer her up. I put her safely back in the cage, close it up and head toward the kitchen.
Cheese, cheese, where is the cheese? Not here, not there! I finally find a little bit of Emmental hidden behind a milk box. It's small but it will do for now. I open the cage, making sure the cat cannot get in, lay the cheese on the woodchips, scratch her head and remove my hand.
She bites the cheese and already looks much better. I'm glad, I wake up.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:10 pm

    My neighbour has a female cat. I don't like cats very much, but the cat doesn't care. She thinks me casa es su casa. So I spend my evenings listening to her begging to come in...This might explain that ;)
