29 September 2011

Terror at school

I'm not relaxed. I should be. I'm not. My -non-existent- boyfriend and I are watching TV, my head resting on his shoulder. For some reasons, we're doing so on a covered basketball pitch. I'm not stressed because I think this is a weird place to watch TV (it's one of those things that seems perfectly normal in my dreams), I am stressed because I can feel something's up.
I hear noises. He looks around, there's nobody. Most of the time, I can't go to bed without thinking I'm going to get killed by something hidden in my room so we both think it's just my usual paranoia. We watch some more TV, he pulls me closer but I can still feel it. In my stomach, there is something wrong and I still hear noises.
I don't know if this has ever happened to you but it's truly annoying when you know something's going to happen but you have to wait and nobody believes it's going to happen (ok it rarely happens to me in real life but I expect people to actually believe me in my dreams)
Anyway, it happened. A bunch of guys wearing full black army-like outfit ran through the doors and start shooting at us! I roll to the right while my Edward (in memory of the very alive Edward Norton) goes left. Bullets are flying around us. I manage to get to the stairs and climb toward the first floor. A bunch of students are standing there wondering what's happening? And what the Hell they're supposed to do! Just when I reach them, a bullet hits my leg. OMG this hurts! (I have never been shot, but if it's anything like this, I would advise you to avoid it).
I fall down face first on the floor like a buttered toast. The bastard who shot me looks like Morgan Freeman. As we walk closer to me, I can hear people saying "he's going to do the pen thing, he's going to do the pen thing". I have no idea what the "pen thing" is but I have a feeling that it’s not good for me. Since I don't want to know if he's going to stick a pen in my eye or what, I turn around and start "sliding" backwards -very French snail attitude. Behind me, I can see other men have taken the students by surprise and one of them is now using his knife to paint a young girl's chest a red blood color.
Morgan Freeman's lookalike is now really close to me. I am not big on praying or yoga but for some reasons that's why I choose to do now. To be honest, I don't have many options. My main problem is that they have weapons and I don't. So in a very American movie style, I stuck my right foot under my left leg (obviously I can't bend the other leg, that'd be a bit too Rocky for me); put each thumbs with their neighbouring index fingers and in this half-yoga position, start praying.
It goes something like this (it was in French which answers the question "which language do you dream in?"):
"Dieu est grand et il me sauvera - God is great and he will save me.

La pureté de nos cœurs régnera - The purity in our heart will reign"
As I'm pronouncing these words, I keep my eyes closed very tightly. I know the situation is bad and whatever happens I want to do my best to ignore it. I am not sitting on a school floor, with kids being tortured behind me, a bullet in my leg and a guy ready to rip my eyes off or worst. I am somewhere else, I don't know where, anywhere.
To my own surprise, when Morganito comes to do his trick, I open my eyes;  grab the knife from his holder and slide it from the side of his jacket straight to his chest. He falls on his side, dead. I put my hands on the floor and say "thank you".
Seeing this, a woman from the bad guys gang jumps at me (which sounds ridiculous since I'm sitting on the floor). I lift my knife high and get her in the stomach. I pick up what she left on the floor. Stands up awkwardly and lift the gun now in my hand. I look at the students with a big smile on my face turn to two of the terrorist and starts shooting. Let the fun begin.

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