When the music starts, I turn around to check the clock. The shortest hand is on the 7th dot, it's time to wake up. I sleepwalk to the bathroom, take a shower, have a breakfast. Bus. Train. Finally I get to the office. Still half asleep I turn to my colleague.
-"Are we Friday?"
-"Nope, sorry, only Wednesday!"-"Are we Friday?"
-"Yes, movie day! Cool!".
Yes good news is: As an Orange user I get a free ticket when I buy one, on Wednesday (don't worry if you don't have Orange, the difference on your monthly bill is probably worth the cinema ticket).
Bad news is: Every Wednesday, I have to bug all my friends to find a cinema buddy. This is where I hate Orange. Instead of making my life simple and selling half price tickets on Wednesday, they had to force me to go with somebody. Is there no single people working in this company?! Don't they know that you can enjoy a good movie on your own ?!
The rule is not gonna change so I have two options:
1/Pay full price which I'm not inclined to do because it's a f****** rip off.2/Find somebody to come with me.
So, my only available option is to bug my friends until one break and agrees in joining me. But this is not the end. The road to cinephile relaxation is long and full of obstacles.
Three criteria need to be filled:
-my friends need to be free. Few of them are willing to buy a ticket on the way to a dinner for a movie they're gonna see (precisely because they'll be eating the previously mentioned diner)-they need to want to watch the same movie(s) as I do
-they can't be living on the other side of London because I'm already working in the utter space and there is just so much traveling I can take in a day.
This means, that on Wednesday, I start the day by updating my Facebook status to check who would be up for a movie. Then as several friends from Montréal, Sydney, Paris and Dublin but none from London have accepted the offer, I start texting my more local friends. Not all in the same time, this could create problematic situations, usually two by two. When the first two have told me to stop watching movies, get a life and leave them alone, I text the second bunch.
After being let down by two and receiving two "no" the so long waited for "yes" comes up on my phone's screen. So I can now wish you all a happy Orange Wednesday!
In 10 years, maybe I'll have to stand in the street as I won't have any more friends to bug (not that they'll be dead I hope not, but they'd have all told me to f*** off) or maybe, I'll have a private cinema in my house, where I'll be enjoying movies with my friends (who let's be honest, will deserve it), who knows ?
In 10 years, maybe I'll have to stand in the street as I won't have any more friends to bug (not that they'll be dead I hope not, but they'd have all told me to f*** off) or maybe, I'll have a private cinema in my house, where I'll be enjoying movies with my friends (who let's be honest, will deserve it), who knows ?